E-commerce supply chain

Join countless e-commerce sellers who use Logistiic to source products, shipping and manage inventory,automate supply chain management, and build a more profitable business.
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Modular solutions

Supply Chain Infrastructure to Grow Your Profit

Reduce costs, save time, and grow your business more efficiently with a fully integrated platform. Use Logistiic to handle your sourcing, shipping, and inventory management—all with just one click.

Uncover potential bestsellers for you

Leverage AI market analysis to discover profitable products and handle your purchasing effortlessly, eliminating hard work.
In development

Ship Your Inventory Globally

Select the products you want to ship, how you want them packaged, and whether you need to include duties. The only thing left to do is click 'Next'!
Start with Shipping
Inventory Management

Automated Replenishment

Automatically tracks all your inventory and integrates AI-powered market risk predictions to enable painless replenishment.
In development
AI Copilot

Analyze the Global Supply Chain to Find the Optimal Combination

We integrate all products and use AI to help you find the best combinations.
For example
If you are currently sourcing and shipping from China, our AI might find that sourcing and shipping from Mexico is more cost-effective in terms of both procurement and timing. After the analysis, Logistiic AI will automatically recommend this option to you. All you need to do is click 'Proceed'
Why Logistiic

Leading the future of supply chain management with AI

We are redefining e-commerce supply chain management by using advanced AI technology to address various challenges encountered in the process. Additionally, we prioritize environmental and social issues. That's why we implement ESG initiatives to minimize the environmental impact of logistics, contributing to a better world.

ESG Priority

From corporate governance to environmentally friendly practices, we have implemented ESG principles to regulate and oversee our operations.

AI Integration

We extensively use AI throughout our entire system for data analysis, enhancing the precision of our operations.

Stable & Fair

We maintain price transparency and continuously monitor market prices around the clock, enabling us to offer fair and competitive pricing.

Ready to save your time and money?
Create an account and start a quote—no contracts or credit card needed
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